Monday, 19 October 2020

holiday recount


On the first day of the school holidays me dad and kc packed our

bags and got ready to go to the farm. When we got to the Bridge

me dad and kc got out of the car and waited for our Nan to come

down and pick us up because we can’t drive over after 2 or so minutes

my Nan had picked us up and took us to the house we unpacked and we took

our stuff inside for the next 2 or 3 hours my dad and Nan where talking about adult

stuff wile me and kc where playing outside then at about 2 o'clock my dad went back home

leaving me and kc at the farm.the first week of the holidays was pretty boring because we just

did farm work boooooooring so that was my week farm work but on Friday the 2nd

of October at 12:35 pm my babysitter was born i was pretty sad because i already

have 2 sisters and now i have 3 why world why so that they kaitaia to go see my

baby sister my Nan and kc excited but I wasn't because I got another sister to look after.

we stayed there for an hour talking about the baby and how she was born and other stuff

then at about 12 pm we went back to the farm and did nothing for the rest of the day.

the same thing happened with the second week of the school holiday. It was pretty boring as wall on Friday Don't Wake Me and my older sister Caprice went back with my dad to go see the baby agenda that night me caprice and Dad went floundering and week or 12 of them rume so for

breakfast on Saturday morning we had flounder it was pretty rume for the rest of the day for the rest of the day me and caprice where playing at the park it was fun as.and that was my holiday thank for reading 

1 comment:

  1. Hi kade, your holiday recount is very interesting I love how much detail you put into it and reading it was amazing. Noah.
